The 1750 steps that link the lower to the upper side of Positano were used frequently until about 20 years ago.

As the other way to reach the center of Positano was by a path and a road (in total 4 km), people from Nocelle preferred to walk down (and up) the steps and most of the times they used to carry their shopping or other kind of goods by themselves.

Nowadays you can easily catch a bus to get to the lower side of Positano but if you don’t have problems with knees and legs I suggest to take the steps. It’s a good workout and you can enjoy a beautiful walk.

The first thing you see before walking down is the Church of Nocelle with a big square and an amazing view on Capri.


Then, there are zig zag stairs everywhere!

Steps to Positano

Between olive trees and prickly pears there are open spaces on the sea.



And you can’t get lost…there are lots of signs!


signs 2

If you feel tired there’s a wooden bench where you can sit and relax.

a seat in paradise

From there you can admire the verticality of the coast.

Vertical city

After about 30 minutes you find houses and villas with beautiful gardens and cats. The black cat is “the cat of the gods”, do you remember my post about it?

cat gods

bouganvilles in Positano

houses of Positano cat from Positano

You arrive at the district of Arienzo.


And… you can walk for 15 minutes to La Sponda, another district of Positano from where you can easily reach the main center and the beach.
