The paths of the Amalfi Coast are incredible places where you can discover local culture and explore the authentic essence of villages such as Positano, Amalfi and so on. Going off the beaten paths and explore the Amalfi Coast in an unique way could be the adventure of a lifetime, an adventure that you will remeber forever.

As a local guide I should tell you that I love all the paths on the Amalfi Coast but there are some foothpaths I love most.

Of course the first on the list is the path of the gods, not only because it’s the most popular but also because it’s the first place where I’ve guided people. I never get tired of this walk and I love reaching the path from Praiano or starting from Bomerano in order to have the best views. I love taking the steps that from Praiano go to the Monastery of Santa Maria a Castro or San Domenico. There are about 1000 steps and it’s a good workout. The monastery was built between the 11th and the 14th century and when it’s open you can admire amazing frescoes which are under restoration. From there you can reach the path of the gods by a small and narrow path, not recommended for those who are scared of heights.

pathofthegods pathofthegodspositano

Another incredible path is one side of the Alta Via dei Monti Lattari. People call this walk the path of the 2 provinces as it is situated on the mountains between the Amalfi Coast (province of Salerno) and the Surrentine peninsula (province of Naples). Starting from Positano, the first section of this walk is really challenging as you have to reach Santa Maria del Castello and then Monte Comune, an elevation gain of about 600 metres.

It is a challenging hike but once at Monte Comune you have an incredible view on both the Gulf of Naples and the last side of the Amalfi Coast facing the island of Capri. From Monte Comune you can reach Monte Vico Alvano and from there you can go to Arola where you can eat at Torre Ferano (a restaurant with a very yummy food) or you can walk to Colli di San Pietro where you can get a bus.


One path on the Amalfi Coast that in my opinion is really cultural is the Valle delle Ferriere in Amalfi. During Middle Ages, the village of Amalfi was a great Maritime Republic, famous all around Europe for the production of a luxury paper made of cotton. The valley behind Amalfi was full of Paper Mills which were activated by the power of the River Canneto.


Nowadays it is possible to see the ruins of those papermills while walking on a path surrounded by an incredible nature. Having the possibility to walk all day, you can walk from Amalfi to Pontone along the Mills Valley (lower side) and then to go to Pogerola (upper side). Sometimes I’ve also walked from Pontone to Pogerola where I had a great meal at trattoria Rispoli. Here at Trattoria Rispoli the “sisters” (owners) will delight you with a home atmosphere and good food. From Pogerola you can down to Amalfi by an old muletrack.

When in Amalfi, I also love visiting the paper museum. Here you can learn about our culture as a local guide in the museum shows you the medieval way of producing paper (guide included in the entrance price).

Feel free to ask for infos regarding the paths and enjoy my Amalfi Coast.